Rex the Dinosaur

The Dinosaur is available in a variety of flavours:


The palette is pretty simple to look cartoon-like and based on 4 colors

  • @amber: #c2a649
  • @purple: #9A3A72
  • @green: #4F702A
  • @grey: #333333

Black text and white backgrounds (or the inverse) should mostly work. Derived colors are computed to give decent cartoon contrast:

  • @dinoBody: lighten(@green, 40%) = #b5d690
  • @dinoEye: spin(@purple, 30) = #9a3a42
  • @trainFill: lighten(@grey, 25%) = #737373
  • @amberSky: lighten(@amber, 40%) = #f5f1e2;
  • @purpleGround: lighten(@purple, 25%) = #d083b0;

Other shades / compliments calculated as needed