The Responsive Narrative Factory will be shown at IBC 2023 in the IBC Accelerator Zone.

--- displayMode: compact --- gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD title IBC Responsive Narrative Factory axisFormat %Y-%m %% (`excludes` accepts specific dates in YYYY-MM-DD format, days of the week ("sunday") or "weekends", but not the word "weekdays".) todayMarker stroke-width:5px,stroke:#0f0,opacity:0.3 section Week Countdown w14 : done, w14, 2023-06-05, 1w w13 : done, w13, 2023-06-12, 1w w12 : done, w12, 2023-06-19, 1w w11 : done, w11, 2023-06-26, 1w w10 : w10, 2023-07-03, 1w w9 : w9, 2023-07-10, 1w w8 : w8, 2023-07-17, 1w w7 : w7, 2023-07-24, 1w w6 : w6, 2023-07-31, 1w w5 : w5, 2023-08-07, 1w w4 : w4, 2023-08-14, 1w w3 : w3, 2023-08-21, 1w w2 : w2, 2023-08-28, 1w w1 : w1, 2023-09-04, 1w w0 : w0, 2023-09-11, 1w section Milestones Blender Clips : milestone, msBlend, after w14, 1w PoC demo : crit, milestone, msPoC , after w8 , 1w IBC 2023 : crit, milestone, msIBC. , 2023-09-14, 4d section Content tag Blender : active, tagBL, after msBlend, 2w get Springwatch Clips : active, getSW, after w12. , 1w tag Springwatch : active, tagSW, after getSW , 4w section Engineering metarex cli : active, cli, 2023-06-01, 2023-06-30 infuse components : comp, after tagBL , 4w integration : crit, intg, after comp, 3w testing : crit, test, after comp, 6w section Marketing IBC promotion :mkt, 2023-07-17, 2023-09-14