Figure 1 -
Generic monitoring flow for a live event
In a live event there are are many links involved between getting the action
to the viewers with minimal delay. 4 decades ago, there was only one type of
unreliable network (analogue) and very few vendors. An end-to-end, live, signal
integrity system was almost always used to ensure success. Inevitably, it was
backed up with a traditional telephone line and a bellowing “All right leaving
me” when downstream issues appeared.
Today, there are many more hops the signal needs to take with different network
architectures, compression schemes and companies between the event and the
viewer. There are companies measuring quality of experience at the viewer and
some elements of closed loop measurement on some links, but it’s hard to
get end-to-end data.
MetaRex takes a novel approach to the problem where we aim to provide
resilience across multiple networks and to give the vendors and operators a
chance to cooperate whilst maintaining control of their own data when needed.
The solution works like this:
Use your own custom metadata for the measurement
Publish the schema for that metadata (in a product, in a room, in a facility or globally)
Publish some services for that metadata
Put the metadata in a metarex envelope
Put the envelope in the Transport Stream / ST2110 / NDI / SRT feed
Extract the envelope from the feed (generic software)
Open the envelope to find the class of metadata inside via the metarexId (generic software)
Use a service to process that metadata e.g. convert for display, place in a
queue, compare with a value from a different feed. (custom software)
Of the 8 steps, only steps #1 & #8 are custom software for your app. The remaining
steps are handled by MetaRex. This means you concentrate on the value-add
of your metadata, MetaRex handles the plumbing and waste disposal.
The processing in more detail
1. Define some custom metadata
An operator or vendor publishes the schema for their metadata via
MetaRex. The simplest form of this is to register a `metarexId` for a
proprietary measurement document. For example, an instance document might
look like this:
A real example would be more sophisticated, but this document shows a
metarexID that could be looked up in the register.
2. Publish the schema
3. Publish some services
Now we know the format of a document, let’s use it to forward a measurement
of the link between the Production and the Broadcaster (linkPB) for every
frame (or packet or time-unit) of the signal.
Inside the measurement equipment, a document is generated and transmitted in
one of 3 mechanisms:
in-band - the document is placed in a MetaRex envelope and carried
in-band via the av network. We plan to complete and test generic mappings
ST 2110
Transport Stream
any other media transport a sponsor requires
out-of-band - the document it posted or streamed out-of-band to a
data store (ranging from s3 bucket to snowflake)
hybrid - to hard-lock sync (rather than infer sync), a signature of
the document is embedded in-band (e.g. in VANC of SDI) and the actual
document is posted to a data store
Great! We now have a reliable transfer mechanism for this link.
At the broadcaster we can receive a stream of documents. The problem is,
a different vendor is listening and they don’t know the format of our
document (yet)
Let’s make 2 assumptions:
The listening equipment is MetaRex
The sender used the most complex case (hybrid SDI)
The listening equipment detects a VANC packet carrying 2 string values.
The DID, SDID and UDW identify the packet as a MetaRex packet
The first string values is a temporary metarexId that in turn identifies
the recovery method for the data documents and any authentication needed.
The second string value is the signature of a document in the store.
After authentication, the received documents can be inspected and indexed
by timestamp value. Assuming the timestamp has sufficient accuracy, the
documents can be aligned with the video frames as close to real time as
network & storage latencies allow.
Despite the fact this is a new document, it can be displayed or loaded into
tools like grafana / snowflake with no knowledge of the nature of the data.
A kindly sender of the data will also publish web services in the metarex
register that would allow translation of the document to other vendors
formats or to expand the document to a format that analysis engine find
easier to process.
Repeating the process at every link of the chain allows multiple vendors to
exchange and communicate status and measurement data down the chain using
standard IT web services. The slow elements (caching metarexIDs, authentication
warming up serverless API functions) can be done in advance of the event. This
allows speedy processing of the workflows.
Status 2025-02-24
Most of the components exist to trial this workflow:
a readable online register
an envelope specification
golang code for inserting and extracting documents from the envelope
a specification for service representation in the register
a [prototype register][reg]
We are looking for supporters to turn this into a real Proof Of Concept in
two phases:
Q1/Q2 20205 - optimise the MetaRex software into a mrx-worker
module for a vendors sending and listening equipment. This will involve
creating, registering and testing a proprietary document format in a
simulated or real network.
Deploying the test system at a real event.
We estimate about 4 weeks of engineering for each phase.