
The original MXF-Live specification as used in the mxf-live project.
The original parent of MetaRex. This spec is out of date.

Version 0.100

Date: 30 October 2019

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Authors Company
Wolfgang Wegner, Hermann Popp ARRI GmbH
Peter Neumann Nablet GmbH
Kevin Burrows Fusion Media
Bruce Devlin Mr. MXF

Version History

Version Author Change Note
2019-01-10 Neumann Initial MXF Live Streaming Spec Outline
2019-02-08 Neumann (MXF Live Streaming Spec) Add Streaming Mode definitions
2019-02-15 Wegner Initial Version of MXF Live DM Spec
2019-02-19 Wegner (MXF Live DM Spec) Integrated first comments by Peter Neumann
2019-04-10 Neumann (MXF Live Streaming Spec) Refined Streaming Modes
2019-04-15 Wegner (MXF Live DM Spec) Removed indirect Link to DM set, added Streaming Mode
2019-10-23 Neumann Merged former separate MXF Live Streaming generic spec and MXF Live DM spec. Reviewed

Table of Contents

  1. Scope
  2. Conformance Notation
  3. Normative References
  4. Introduction
  5. Implementation
  6. MXF Live Descriptive Metadata
  7. User Meta Data
  8. Considerations

2019-10-23 Peter Neumann