2024-04-23 What a great NAB 2024

MetaRex thanks every visitor at NAB 2024

Bruce Devlin @in

Thanks to visitors & new backer at NAB 2024

The award winning MetaRex project lit many mental light bulbs at NAB. We showed 12 wildly different workflow examples that used a single, service-oriented MetaRex codebase. Most people understood that self describing metadata allows simple low code and no code workflows - even if the metadata you’re using was unknown when the workflow started. Interestingly, The Green Software Foundation podcast from 2024-04-04 explained how low code and no code workflows are often lower carbon than hosts of dedicated workflows - another plus point for


The demos will appear online on our website in the next couple of weeks for anyone to play with. We’d particularly like to thank all the existing backers that made NAB 2024 possible, with a special shout out to the folks at Signiant who hosted us so wonderfully.

We have around 20 new backers as a result of NAB 2024 and we’ll be thanking them individually over the coming weeks. Look out for more metadata workflows and updates to our GitHub repo as we tidy up all the pre-NAB work and give it to you for free.

See you all at MPTS in London 15-16 May 2024!

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