2024-03-06 RNF wins Best Accelerator

Metarex & Infuse lead the Responsive Narrative Factory to the Best IBC Accelerator 2024.

Bruce Devlin @in

Responsive Narrative Factory is the best IBC Accelerator 2023

MetaRex teamed up with [Infuse Video] to lead the 2023 IBC Accelerator

Project - Responsive Narrative Factory. Guided by our champions, the BBC and theIET , we sought to deliver a hyper-personalised experience based on individual choices that was delivered by a metadata driven software pipeline.

Don’t like the Bunny in Big Buck Bunny - that’s fine. Don’t like nature programs where baby birds get eaten - fine too. Only got 10 minutes to watch a 90 minute football match - no worries!

With the help of Cuvo , EZDRM . JPBMedia and the IBC Accelerator Team the online demo sparked joy with hundreds of visitors to the booth at the show.

We’d like to that the whole team that made this possible: Ruud van der Linden and Ismael Garrido from Infuse Video who spent long hours wrestling with Content Delivery networks and sitting at the booth to make this a success. Tristan Larke at Metarex who fought with all the metadata to make it all seem so simple. Joshua Berger , Ian Wagdin at the BBC , Russell Trafford-Jones at the [Institution of Engineering and Technology] (theIET), Olga Kornienko at EZDRM , Mala Ramakrishnan , Phani Kolaraja , and Ganesh Sundaram at CuVo . Also a warm thanks to Mark Smith and Muki Kulhan at the IBC - [International Broadcasting Convention]!