Rexy’s Treasure hunt is go!!
Rexy’s packed and ready to go to the show on Sunday. She’s got her sunglasses and raincoat just in case. She’s looking forward to being won by someone!
The Prize Draw to win Rexy is tomorrow! Get your Saturday step count up and visit one of our …
Rexy’s Treasure hunt is go!!
The Prize Draw for Rexy’s treasure hunt will be this Sunday! Register to have a chance of winning a cuddly Rexy! The more partners and backers you visit, the greater chance you’ll win on Sunday 15th Sep at 17:00 in the IBC AI Zone on the V-Nova booth. …
The Prize Draw for Rexy’s treasure hunt will be this Sunday! If you sign up to Rexy’s fun IBC treasure hunt then you’ll have a chance of winning a cuddly Rexy! The more partners and backers you visit, the greater chance you’ll win on Sunday 15th Sep at 17:00 in the IBC AI …
The DPP is one of our wonderful partners and we couldn’t be successful without them. If you sign up to Rexy’s fun IBC treasure hunt then you’ll have a chance of winning a cuddly Rexy! The more partners and backers you visit, the greater chance you’ll win on Sunday 15th Sep at 17:00 …
We’re going to IBC Come and join us at the RAI, Amsterdam on Sunday 15th September for a special MetaRex Treasure Hunt, prize-giving to celebrate and thank our Sponsors, Backers and all the people who have supported us with the MetaRex project.
In just three easy steps, you can win the …
Responsive Narrative Factory is the best IBC Accelerator 2023 MetaRex teamed up with [Infuse Video] to lead the 2023 IBC Accelerator Project - Responsive Narrative Factory. Guided by our champions, the BBC and theIET , we sought to deliver a hyper-personalised experience based on individual choices …
MetaRex needs you The award winning , philanthropic, non-profit MetaRex project makes metadata flow. The more metadata you have, the more you will benefit. But we need 2 more silver backers or 15 more regular backers to get the project over the finish line. But first, lets lay out our objectives:
😎 …
MetaRex Flow Diagram The MetaRex Flow Diagram 2024
MetaRex is like Fedex for metadata. Sender The Sender wraps their metadata in a standardized container. A label is applied to identify the contents The mapper puts the container on a transport: NDI, ST 2110, email, FTP etc. Receiver The receiver …
Our Backers GOLD - the board mrmxf
yellow basket
SILVER - guiding’s destiny signiant
REGULAR - helping finish on time arqiva
bbc (r&d)
infuse video
josh berger
media mavens
metaglue …
An Introduction to Metarex What is MetaRex? Metarex is an initiative dedicated to developing an open-source framework for the transport of media metadata. This framework will allow you to preserve, transport, identify, and use metadata from many sources in a single workflow. This will make it …
MetaRex is a UK Limited Company that exists for the following reasons:
Raise funds to create the MetaRex Open Source Software Maintain a board until end 2024 Maintain a website to run the project & communicate results Publish the workplan to build the Software Distribute funds to project grant …